Mass Market Appeal of Environmental-Friendly CZ Stones

Lab-grown diamonds and cubic zirconia stones are eco-friendly and this turns out to be one of the biggest selling points. Interestingly, a growing number of consumers are placing a greater preference on ethically produced wholesale gemstones. Synthetic CZ stones are eco-friendly, conflict-free and significantly lower in price than naturally mined diamonds.


Original diamonds are mined from the ground, which can have a negative impact on the environment such as soil erosion and deforestation. Today’s buyres are showing less desire to purchase mined diamonds than previous generation and showing preference to buy gemstone for sale that are produced with sustainability and ethics in mind.

For their mass market appeal, the synthetic gemstones for sale business has seen a swell of interest from designers, manufacturers and jewelers over the past year. This completely earth-friendly and conflict-free gemstone is less expensive and more durable than the traditional diamond. Interestingly, they are often more beautiful with more sparkle than traditional gemstones because they don’t contain the impurities that are a by-product of gem formation within the Earth itself. Synthetic gemstones are able to be identified and differentiated from mined gemstones because they are too perfect.

With the advent of human technology, now it is possible to artificially recreate these scarce natural stones inside the controlled environment of laboratories. The range of synthetic gemstones is popularly referred to as Peridot CZ where CZ stands for Cubic Zirconia. The variety of artificial gemstones possesses identical physical, chemical and optical properties as compared to its natural counterparts.

It is practically impossible for even an expert jeweler to identify cubic zirconia from natural gemstones without using necessary tools. Advent of these man-made products has obviously provided a significant boost to the jewelry market. Considering the huge commercial prospect of these items, a number of Chinese manufacturers are dedicatedly catering to the global customer base.

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